Booking a room in Studenterhuset

You can book several dates at once if using the same timeslot.

You will receive an email with the information that you entered.
You will also receive an email that states if the reservation is accepted or not.

Larger reservations will be handled manually.
We reserve the right to reject any bookings.
We do not allow private parties.

Please book the kitchen, conference room or library five work days in advance. 
Group rooms can be booked any time if available.

Take care of the house. 
Clean up after yourself.
If anything breaks please contact us.


Group Rooms
The group rooms are for students to write projects and hold meetings.

Conference Room: 
The conference room is for bigger organizational meetings and events. 
This is not a room for project writing nor group meetings.
Please book a group room instead.

The kitchen and yellow/common room
Our big communal space upstairs. The kitchen is where you cook and the yellow room has a projector screen and seating. When you are done, clean up after yourself please

The library is for social gatherings such as board games.
You don’t need to book it to study or hold project meetings there.

* Must be filled out
Please note that “reason” will be publicly displayed.

A floor plan showing the upper floor Made by Anna Sund Jongsma